[PiotnetBricks] has conflict with Bricks Loop Query
Jornes Sim
I noticed that the PiotnetBricks is having a conflict with Bricks Loop Query. When PiotnetBricks is disabled, everything worked fine. The loop query was working wrongly when PiotnetBricks is activated.
Here is the screencast
Vic Pham
An extra issue was made by new feature: Tooltip. It was fixed on version 1.0.6dev1
Jornes Sim
Thank you, Vic Pham! I will check that out as soon as I can.
Vic Pham
in progress
Vic Pham
Thank you for your report, actually, you are setting up a beta version (pre-release). We are testing and performing QA before releasing. We will check your issue immediately.
Jornes Sim
Vic Pham: Thank you for prompt reply! Yes. I did. So, here I am to report it. :)
Vic Pham
Jornes Sim: Can you pls apply the version 1.0.5dev4?
Jornes Sim
Vic Pham: I don't see dev4 version. The auto update only showing dev3.
Maybe it needs some time to show up for me?
Jornes Sim
Vic Pham: Until now, I still seeing the version dev3 instead of dev4.
Vic Pham
Jornes Sim: my bad, pls try it again, now it is dev5
Jornes Sim
Vic Pham: Thank you! I already updated to version dev5. But, it didn't resolve the loop query issue. It still persists. Do you need access to investigate further?
Vic Pham
Jornes Sim: Yes, please let us access your staging environment. It's better to supply it via email.
In addition, if you can, please also test the preview animation + new features: (tooltip +range slider + Crossfade Multiple Background Images). Appreciate your support!
Jornes Sim
Sorry Vic Pham! Being busy after the last comment here. I'll try the latest update later.